“In this school such a reformation should take place that scholars and missionaries should graduate from it and take the place of those who have passed on. You should consider that this school should produce such persons who have deep and comprehensive understanding of the Holy Quran, exceptional missionaries and scholars who should become a source of guidance for the world.”
“It is my prayer that may Allah bless this new Jamia and all its staff and students, and may this Jamia be a source of producing hundreds and thousands of pious and dynamic missionaries whose dedicated efforts and fervor enable the rapid spread of Islam and Ahmadiyyat to the far reaches of the earth. May Allah bless you all ”.
An Institute of Theology and Modern Languages
An Institute of Theology and Modern Languages
An Institute of Theology and Modern Languages
An Institute of Theology and Modern Languages
History of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Ghana
The campus
New Admissions for Year 2024-2025
Exploring the Complex
An Institute of Theology and Modern Languages
An Institute of Theology and Modern Languages
An Institute of Theology and Modern Languages
An Institute of Theology and Modern Languages



“The only motive for our establishing this Madrassah is that we should place religion above the world. And formal education has been included in the program so that this may serve the purpose of religious knowledge.”


Here is the introduction of our respected staff of Jamia Ahmadiyya International Ghana

Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana HIstory

Jamia Ahmadiyya International Magazine 2019 Jamia Ahmadiyya International's Magazine Sang e Meel (Milestone 7) Magazine 2019 PDF Open in New Tab …


Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana International building structure and construction.


New Admissions for Year 2024-2025

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Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana Principal message.


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Ramadhan In Jamia

How Jamia student and teacher spend their time during fasting


Hostel life

Living in Jamia hostel, listen from our students and teachers



Jamia official magazine


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Jamia Ahmadiyya International

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